Ambassador’s Dinner 2023

Ambassador’s Dinner 2023

Exclusive Members-only Event!

We would like to invite you to our exclusive members-only event to meet our new Ambassador to the Netherlands.

This dinner is kindly hosted by our new Australian Ambassador to the Netherlands, Dr Greg French. This will also be an opportunity to meet with and welcome Ambassador French.

This event will take place on the evening of Wednesday, 5 July 2023.

This is an exclusive members-only event, and spaces are limited. 

Date: Wednesday, 5 July 2023

Time: From 18:00 to 20:00

Location: Australian Ambassador’s Residence, The Hague

RSVP: Please register by 28 June to reserve your spot.

Cancellation policy: If you have registered and can no longer attend, please inform the ABIE team so that your space may be offered to someone else.

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